The conflict I decided to talk about is the one in Valle del Cauca. Gabriel Posada and Yurlady Ruiz decided to create an proyect called "Magdalenas por el Cauca" that is based on, that people create a basic boat using sticks and carry on it a pictue of their relative or missing friend. The consept Posada and Ruiz used is armed conflict in Valle del Cauca.
I will create the Cauca River with some mountains in the distance. In the waves of the water, I will paint the faces of the victims of the armed conflict. At the shore, will be some bombs that represent the misery and sadness of the place because of the armed conflict.
On the other hand, the technique I will use will be the Aguatint technique.
Aquatint technique is the process in which a metal plate is spary with an special paint and placed in an acid. This acid reacts and removes the areas between the paint particles by leaving a chopped surface. The small holes contain ink, which becomes gray or black in the printed image. On the other hand, ares coverded with paint resiste acid, leaving them white. An aquatint has a pattern of small black and white dots, giving a gritty style.
Sketch #1
In the first sketch, I used black water color to indicate which parts will be white because the black paint recist the chemical acid. I drew the mountain in a degrade technique. In the river, I drew some sad faces gowing with the flow that represent the victims of the armed conflict.
Sketch #2
In the second one, I used the same water color and in the mountains I added bombs that represent the misery of the Valley. I made the faces in the water more detailed.
Sketch #3
Finally, in the third sketch, I did the same as the second one but I detailed more the faces and the bomb by improving its shape and drawing a small rope on it. At the moment of painting, I think I have to make the lines of the faces and the waves of the river with black paint.
EtchingInsights. (2016). Kevin Cummins The Etching Process (
This is how my final product will be. The dark parts will be white because the paint coverts them from the acid. The lines of the faces will be white as well because I will scrap on them. On the other hand, the white parts will be black becuase they will burn with the acid.