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In the first step, I placed the metal sheet in an acid for 50 seconds for it to burn and  give it a grey color.

Then, I drew the shapes of the bombs, the river and the mountains with white paint so at the moment of printing they will be white.

Third, I worked in the mountains that were in degrade. They went from black to white. The idea was to achieve the it by painting a line and then putting the metal sheet into the acid and so on.

Fouth, we found out that the idea to obtein the degrade did not work, so I had to dimiss the idea of including it so with a drypoint, I scratch the outline of the figures.

Then, with the small holes in the metal done by scratching with the drypoint, I covered it with black ink for it to fill them turning them black.

By last, I put a cardboard at the top and under the sheet. Then I passed a machine on them for it to print the remains of black paint of the metal sheet on the carboard below.

Sixth, I cleaned the sheet with newspaper to remove the resting paint.

This was the result of the printed paint on the cardboard.

Final Statement:

From 2001 to 2009 in Valle del Cauca, hundreds of families desappeared from their houses after being threated and lost their homes or crops in the constant struggle between guerrillas, paramilitaries and drug traffickers in their dispute over territorial control. As a result, the armed group throght the death bodies into the river, like "Magdalenas"


My art work was a representation of this conflict using a new technique. The one that called the most my attention was the Aquatint Technique because I have always love to work with liquids (in this case the acid). Also because of the fact that I consider this the most complex tecnique from the others.

I think the assimilation with Posada and Ruiz was that both of us tried to express someones feelings through an art work.  The artists wanted people from Valle del Cauca to express their thoughts through their campaign "Magdalenas por el Cauca".

On the other side, I reflected Valle del Cauca habitants feelings of sadness and fear using art.

During the process of creating the artwork, I had some positives aspects such as having a good actitud during the class, asking someone or Paty if I didn't know what to do next and if sometinh didn't work, I tried again and again until it worked well.

On the other hnd, I had some difficulties such as not paying lot of attention to the instructions given in class, getting distracted very easily and remembering the steps of the technique. 

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