Regarding what we have seen in social studies (Ingineous groups rights)... In one hand, the social studies entry about the Indigenous groups in Mexico "Purepecha", talks about how in some cases the rights and opinions of the indigenous groups in Mexico are not taken into account before planning some projects. For example, the project in which some the most transited routs of the country were closed, the government did not took into account how would be affected the people that lives near it. On the other hand, in the "Reflexion Upon Discourses of Hate", during the Apartheid white people made others believe that black people were savages and unthinking people by treating them like slaves of course ignoring their rights.
We can relate them by the idea that in both events, white people from the Apartheid had a direct thought of superiority over black people and civilized people from Mexico have an indirect thought of superiority over indigenous groups.